Biggest Change By Google Inc. (GOOG) In Search Algorithm Since 2009: Meet Hummingbird

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Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) has just made probably the biggest announcement in recent years; the search giant has completely revamped the search algorithm responsible for throwing the most relevant results to your queries. The new algorithm, named Hummingbird, is capable enough to handle complex search queries to produce the most intelligent and germane results quickly. This effort has been made to understand the context of search queries that hold meaning only as a sentence rather than parsing word-by-word.

Google announced this vital change at the event held at ‘the garage’ that first witnessed the induction of Google. In the ‘dramatic’ event Google also informed about the tweaking made to Google Graph to make it handle complex comparison search queries such as “Which is my best friend – Alen or Robert”. Besides, Google also informed about the enhancement made to Push notification for iOS.

Google Search Algorithm Hummingbird

The new search algorithm, sitting behind the results now, is the biggest change Google has made after “Caffeine” in 2009. Hummingbird is primarily focused on processing search queries as a complete sentence faster than before and to result into much more connected answers based upon their index ranking.

So, when is it rolling out? It’s been right under our nose since a week now; remember thousands of complaints, posts, articles on web stating ‘Slow Gmail’, “slow Google Search’ and other service we were struggling lately? Apparently, it was all due to initial hiccups pegged to any new rollout generally.

By this time, that one question might have started hitting your brain nerves; “Should we expect a jump in site ranking?”. Google processed 12.6 billion search queries to find the most connected results from 60 billion crawled web pages. It would be too early to craft any thought, be it in favor or against. Let’s wait for some more time as its been just a week, however, I don’t rule out possibilities to a significant site ranking shift as the search giant has been hunting for a mechanism to add higher sense of authenticity to information produced as a top search results since last few years. Unfortunately, Google escaped itself from all technical queries related to Hummingbird in the event.


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