One Third Of The Youth Employees Ready To Trade Off Their Social Privacy For Job Security

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The social media network has become the most attractive mouth piece among the young employees. They are actively using the escalating momentum of the social media giants like Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB), Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) and Pinterest to share and update the lock stock and barrel of what’s happening in every second of their life. Recently we had analyzed a report revealing the increased inclination of the impending employees towards companies having a better social business maturity which can give a clearer picture about their increasing social demands in a firm. But the trade-off involved with this new progeny is the invasion of their social media privacy by the employers.

A chunk of one-third of young employees would clinch the deal of allowance of surveillance of their social activity in lieu of their job satisfaction affirmed a new research report by PwC titled The future of work: A journey to 2022”

The report was crunched on a global survey on 10,000 workers and 500 human resource (HR) from China, India, Germany, UK, and the US who deduced that the executives can customarily monitor their employees’ Facebook and Twitter accounts to insure that the protocols of the organization are directed towards reduction of employee turnover and bolstering assurance with trade intentions.

employees personal data access

Online monitoring to increase excessively in the coming decade

The survey predicted that the data monitoring of the employees is sure to see an upsurge in the abutting decagon due to the Generation Y being currently engaged in the labour pool. This workforce aged between 18-32 would be the even-steven of 2020 bringing in varied demeanor to the industry endeavors, scientific know-how, and their privy diagnostics. Having just served for a few years in the market, these Gen Y chiliads have earned the tag of “digital natives” for themselves who dream of becoming CEOs and COOs tout de suite. The research revealed that this blooming genesis is more brazen towards sharing their personal data with their hirelings as 38% of them acknowledged that they’ll be happy doing so. The dynamo for this headset in the youths is due to their denial of serving for protracted hours and the excruciating of their begetters wherein following the policy of “Live to work”.

Conjointly, This trend of social media tracking is becoming immensely prevalent in the coming era has another aspect involved with it i.e. the employers would be able to figure out the motivational sources for the personnel, their well-being, and the reason behind their stint shifts.

Nowadays, the “pact” of an employee is defined by the disposition of the personal data which includes their health, performance, or even their closet life to the employer in return for job security and 30% of the respondents in the above global survey welcomed their executives to have a grant of their intimate dossier. Moreover, the fledgling ones more readily accepted these norms than the older lot, which points at the convention of this monitoring becoming quotidian in the subsequent years.

“Just as advertisers and retailers are using data from customers’ online and social media activity to tailor their shopping experience, organisations could soon start using workers’ personal data – with their permission – to measure and anticipate performance and retention issues.” Anthony Bruce, HR workforce analytics leader at PwC quoted.

Strategies adopted by Companies for keeping an eye

In a survey conducted by the American Management Association and the ePolicy Institute it was found that the two- thirds of the employers monitored the sites visited by their employees with the aim of preventing irrelevant surfing.Furthermore 65% of them used software to block connections to websites which were considered inappropriate for employees. 43% companies monitored the e-mails of their staff members, 12% their blogs and 10% their social networking sites.

The expanding realms of social media for the provision of justice

These social media sites are not now just limited as a platform for sharing one’s frustration and grueling, but are innovating as a means to combat their woes. The recent example of this system is the launch of the new enterprise named “The Brown List” by John McAfee, the founder of the McAfee Antivirus Software. The list would undertake the grievances of the common folks against an injustice which they face, such as oppression by some regime or an indurate act by a large corporation and then attempt to seek justice for them.


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